Speech-Language Pathologist
Private Practice Directory

Close to Perfection Speech Therapy Services, PLLC
Tamala H. Close, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Dallas, Tx
Licensed in Tx, Fl
Specialization: Teletherapy
Email: closetoperfectionspeech@gmail.com

Therapeutic Endeavors
Britney Desir, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Tallahassee, Fl
Licensed in Fl, Ca
Specialization: Pediatrics and Adults
Phone: 850-322-8709
Email: bdesir@therapeuticendeavors.com
Website: www.therapeuticendeavors.com
Instagram: @therapeuticendeavors

Tailored Speech and Feeding Therapy, LLC
Tailyr McAlpin, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Baton Rouge, La
Licensed in La, Ca
Specialization: Pediatric Feeding, Teletherapy, Autism
Phone: 661-406-8553
Email: tmcalpin@tailoredspeechllc.com
Website: www.tailoredspeechllc.com
Instagram: @tailoredspeechllc

Project Speech
Amanda Puentes, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Boynton Beach, Fl
Licensed in Fl
Specialization: Pediatrics and International Programs
Phone: 561-631-7723
Email: info@projectspeechtherapy.com
Website: www.projectspeechtherapy.com
Instagram: @projectspeech
Bilingual: Spanish

Dynamic Therapy, LLC
Darius Thomas-Wallace, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Washington,D.C.
Licensed in DC, Md, Va
Specialization: Birth-Geriatrics
Phone: 202-743-3748
Email: info@welovedynamictherapy.com
Website: www.welovedynamictherapy.com
Instagram: @dynamictherapyllc

Well Spoken Speech Therapy, LLC
Ashley Culmer, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Atlanta, Ga
Licensed in Ga
Specialization: Pediatrics, Early Intervention, Articulation, Language, Literacy, Teletherapy
Phone: 404-638-4469
Email: ashley@well-spokenspeech.com
Website: www.well-spokenspeech.com

Parts of Speech, a Speech- Language Pathology, PLLC
Geneva Mayne, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Bronxville, Ny
Licensed in Ct, Ny
Specialization: Language, Literacy, Speech, Voice, Social Communication, AAC
Phone: 914-486-5939
Email: gmayne@partsofspeechtherapy.com
Website: www.partsofspeechtherapy.com
Instagram: @partsofspeechpllc

Speech of Cake, Inc
Courtney Overton, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Alexandria, Va
Licensed in Va
Specialization: Articulation and Literacy
Phone: 703-982-0438
Email: courtney@speechofcakeinc.com
Website: www.speechofcakeinc.com
Instagram: @speechofcakeinc
Facebook: @speechofcakeinc

Simply Speaking Therapy Services, LLC
Yaminah H. Ali MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Baltimore, Md
Licensed in Md
Specialization: Articulation, Language, Literacy
Phone: 443-630-3155
Email: franklyspeakingslp@gmail.com
Instagram: @simplyspeakingtherapy

SpeakEasy Therapy, LLC
Amanda Davis, M.A. CCC-SLP, Owner
Online Location: Costa Mesa, Ca
Licensed in Ca
Specialization: Teletherapy
Phone: 949-939-7905
Email: therapy@icanspeakeasy.com
Website: www.icanspeakeasy.com

Talk With Me Habla Conmingo
Casiphia Wohlfeld, M.S., CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Warner Robins, Ga
Licensed in Ga, Ms
Specialization:Bilingualism, Pediatrics, Voice Disorders.
Phone: 706-623-2338
Email: info@talkwithmespeechtherapy.com
Website: www.talkwithmespeechtherapy.com
Instagram: @talkwithmespeechttherapy
Bilingual: Spanish

Decode It, LLC
Kynisha Cloud, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Harrisburg, Pa
Licensed in Pa
Specialization: Early Intervention, ASD, Articulation, Language, AAC
Phone: 717-649-7425
Email: kcloud@decodeittherapy.com
Website: www.decodeittherapy.com
Instagram: @decodeit_slp

Speaking of the Matter Therapy Services, LLC
Falon Collins, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Suwanee, Ga
Licensed in Ga, Va
Specialization: Pediatrics and International Programs
Phone: 770-268-0528
Email: falon@speakingofthematter.com
Website: www.speakingofthematter.com

Stepping Stones Therapy, LLC
Crystal Moss, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Cookeville, Tn
Licensed in Fl
Specialization: Pediatrics, Early Intervention, AAC, Hearing Loss, Bilingual Therapy
Phone: 931-201-9472
Email: info@steppingstonestherapytn.com
Website: www.steppingstonestherapytn.com
Instagram: @steppingstones_tn
Bilingual: Spanish

Helping Hands Speech and Language Services, LLC
Tareva Ruffin, MA, CCC-SLP
Physical Location: Dunwoody, Ga
Licensed in Ga, Nc
Specialization: Pediatrics, Early Intervention, Articulation, Language, ASD
Phone: 770-405-9727
Email: tareva.ruffin@helpinghandsspeechservices.com
Website: www.helpinghandsspeechservices.com
Instagram: @helping_hands_speech_services

April Anderson Therapy, LLC
April Anderson, MA, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Washington, DC
Licensed in Dc, Md, Va
Specialization: Pediatric Feeding, LactactionCounseling, Infants and Toddlers, Speech, Language
Phone: 337-842-8766
Email: aprilandersontherapy@gmail.com
Website: www.aprilandersontherapy.com
Instagram: @aprilandersontherapy

Deberry Speech and Language Services, LLC
Lauren Deberry, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Plano, Tx
Licensed in Tx
Specialization: Pediatric, Articulation, Language, Literacy
Phone: 469-251-0767
Email: speechtherapy@deberryspeech.com
Website: www.deberryspeech.com
Instagram: @deberryspeech

Empower Speech and Language Services, LLC
Angela C. Williams, MA, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Beavercreek, Oh
Licensed in Oh
Specialization: Pediatrics, Early Intervention, Articulation, Adult Accent Modification, Teletherapy
Phone: 937-802-4550
Email: acwilliams.slp@gmail.com
Instagram: @empowerspeechandlanguage

Boxley Speech Therapy, LLC
Ayanna Boxley, MCD, CCC-SLP
Physical Location: Gibbsboro, NJ
Licensed in NJ
Specialization: Pediatrics Articulation, Language, Literacy, Teletherapy
Email: support@boxleyspeechtherapy.com
Website: www.boxleyspeechtherapy.com
Instagram: @boxleyspeech_therapy

Take Back Your Power,LLC
Speech Therapy/ Parent Coach
Camille Boyd, MS, CCC-SLP, Owner
Physical Location: Chesire, Ct
Licensed in Va, Ct
Specialization: Parent Coaching
Phone: 203-517-4713
Email: camilleboyd@camilleboyd.com
Website: www.takebackurpower.com
Instagram: @takebackyourpower.freedom